Practice Information

Learn more about United Medical Centres Kirkwood and what we can offer you and your family.


Please make your own appointment online via Healthengine or call (07) 4979 3928

Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP. Please notify the reception staff on your arrival at the surgery. If you are unable to keep your appointment phone the surgery as soon as possible

Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay or your GP has been called away. Standard consultation time is 10 minutes. Longer consultation for times is available, so please ask our receptionists if you require some extra time. We usually allow more time for procedures, child vaccinations, pap smears, GP management plans and health assessments.

New Patients

As a new patient to the surgery we will ask you to fill in a new patients form. Please bring it in on your first visit together with your Medicare Card. 

Translation Service

If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please advise in advance if translation services are required so that suitable arrangements can be put in placeCare Outside Normal Opening Hours

After hours care

In Emergency Please Call 000

Urgent After-Hours Care for Medicare Card Holders is provided by the Gladstone Hospital. For advice over the phone call QLD Health on 13 43 25 84.

Home Visits

Home visits are available for regular patients whose medical condition prevents them from attending the surgery. There will be a charge of $200 for home visits. So pls contact reception to make prior arrangements for home visits.

Telephone Access

GPs and nurses in the practice may be contacted during normal surgery hours. If they are with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the GP or the nurse will return your call. You can also send us an e-mail however emails or phone calls cannot replace a consultation.


While our reception team are unable to give results over the telephone, they are able to advise whether the doctor wishes to discuss them urgently, relatively soon, or at your next visit. We also send SMS messages if your doctor wants to discuss a test result with you and courtesy reminders for outstanding actions.

Services available

Check-ups, family planning, Implanon insertion and removal, pap smears, pregnancy tests, maternity care, post-natal care, ECG, lung function test, hearing tests, vaccinations: children and travel incl. yellow fever, flu needles, minor surgery: suture removal, biopsies, removal of moles and sunspots, liquid nitrogen freezing therapy for sun spots and warts, wound care, mental health care plans, health assessments and insurance medicals.

Fees and billing arrangements

United Medical Centres, Kirkwood is a mixed billing Practice.

All patients under 15, Pension Card and Health care Card holders are Bulk Billed for Standard consultations.

Non concession patients incur standard Practice fees as listed on our Fees Page. Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, or EFTPOS. After the payment, a Medicare rebate can be claimed. Whilst some companies may have prior arrangements for the care of their employees., this must be fully organised before the appointment commences. There is a private fee for Skin procedures, excisions and toenail removals, $25 for non-attendance and $25 cancellation of appointments within 4 hours of appointment time. Please be aware that all private fees may not have a Medicare benefit. For more details on fees and services, please contact reception.


We would like to hear your comments as they assist us with improving our services. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box. We take your concerns, suggestions, and complaints seriously. Our PM Kavitha is responsible for following up on complaints. You can also contact: Ombudsman (07) 3005 7000.


Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. If you want access to your personal health records, ask our receptionists for assistance. We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at

Click here to view our privacy policy.